Nyuterran Chronicles
First comicPrevious comicNext comicLatest comic Comic for Wednesday , May 11 , 2005

Chapter 1 : Cover

I decided to shuffle a few things around, making most of the prologue a part of chapter 1. I know, why bother with a prologue if its only going to have two pages? Ah well.

As the comic above illustrates, I like incorporating the cover into the story, rather than making a glorified pinup. I also like to add a little foreshadowing.

On a technical note: while this comic was inked digitally like my previous pages, the inking for this page was done in Illustrator CS (as opposed to PS7). The results were somewhat smoother, and a lot easer to manipulate.

The rest of the process was still handled in photoshop of course.

Finally, the the lunar image was provided royalty-free by NASA.gov.

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Nyuterran Chronicles, Art, Characters, and Story are Copyright © 2005 Dylan Luttrell. All Rights Reserved.
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