Frequently Asked Questions
All I'm getting is blank images! Whats wrong with your site?
That is most likely my hosting service's antihotlinking measure. You see, whenever you visit a page ANYWHERE on the net,
not only do you download that page, but your computer also sends data to
the server hosting the page. Part of this data, called the "referrers",
is used by Comic Genesis, my host, to determine whether or not you are hotlinking.
Okay, but I'm not hotlinking!
Unfortunately, some programs are know to screw up these referrers, thus making my host *think* you're hotlinking.
This excerpt from the ComicGen Gear deals with the two most common problems,
Browsers & Norton Firewall (please read the important notice just below this as well):
- Your browser has been set to not leave referrers.
Symptoms: Your images load up as blank white images or nothing at all. None of your images work... Not your banner, not your comics either.Diagnosis: Browsers such as Mozilla Firefox can be configured to not send referrers, which trips up Keenspace's Anti-hotlinking system.
Suggested Cure: Set your preferences so they leave referrers for Keenspace sites.
- Norton Firewall has caused Keenspace's Anti-hotlinking to Block Your Image.
Symptoms: Your images load up as blank white images or nothing at all. None of your images work... Not your banner, not your comics either.Diagnosis:Basically, Keenspace has an anti-hotlinking system which does not allow images in the /images and /comics folders to be linked from outside the site. Some firewall programs that attempt to protect your privacy 'rip' images from the server so as not to leave a referrer. Keenspace detects this as hot-linking, as so blocks it, resulting in the white nosteal.gif being displayed. To test if this is really the case, pick any image you want, name it nosteal.jpg (or gif) and pop it into the /images folder. If the images all start showing up as that image, you know you have this problem.
Suggested Cure: Fix Norton Firewall so it does things the right way ;)
How to Fix Norton Firewall For Keenspace (Taken from another post here.
- Open the "Norton Personal Firewall" and click "Options" in the top menu and select "Personal Firewall".
- Click the "Web Content" tab
- Click "Add Site" located in the bottom left and enter "*" then click "Ok".
- Highlight "*" in the list of sites and then on the right uncheck the "Use default settings" on the "Information about visited sites" section and set it to "Permit"
- Click "Ok" at the bottom of the window and close the "Norton Personal Firewall" window.
- Refresh your web browser and you should see the site.
Note:Some people have mentioned that the above method is not available for different versions of Norton. Please refer to Norton's support site for help on how to configure the settings to accept trusted sites.
Credit and thanks goes to Ping Teo:
Not only for writing the tutorial from which this text was excerpted, but also for maintaining the Gear, a priceless resource for us 'Spacers!
A note on "How to Fix Norton Firewall For Keenspace": As my site doesn't use the * address, and because "Keenspace" now offers serveral domains, you'll need to repeat these steps with the following addresses as well: * , * , * , * , * , * , and whatever other address you come across for a Keenspace/Comicgen comic.
How may I contact the author of this comic?
There are several ways to do this:
- First, there's the tagboard on the front page.
- Also, you may contact me via the forum.
- Finally, I've set up an email address just for this comic: nyuterra AT yahoo DOT com
(note: I've replaced the symbols in the address with words so that spam bots won't find it)
Why is this faq so empty?
Simple: Nobody's asked me any really important questions yet!